Monday, December 28, 2015

12/28/15 Happy New Year to All!

-So that is a tree made of soda bottles....they don´t waste ANYTHING here :)
-The manger in the park
-Me and me companion
Happy New Year to all!  Wow, I can't believe it is here!

So here...Christmas is not celebrated all that much...and where it is, it is all about the drinking, fireworks, and other wordly things.  Very few people decorate and maybe 3/4 have trees? But, we did have a great Christmas!

Yesterday we have a great family night with a partial family and an active family. There were lots of children so we wanted to teach in a way they would understand. Wow, it was so AMAZING!  The spirit was so strong as we went back to the basics.  We used Janga blocks to explain Christ forming his church, the church falling, other churchs taking truths and starting, and finally the Restoration. The spirit testified to me again of the truthfulness.  Oh how powerful it is when you can hear the message in the clearest, easist form!  I invite you all to renew your testimony that you have of the Restoration!  

I hope Christmas went well, and that you are all looking forward to a great new year!  2016...Where will it find you?

As some of you may know, life can be trying. It can be difficult, challenges and trials come, and they always will.
 Why? The sunday school answer that we all hear is "it is for our progression, it is the reason we came to earth- to be tried and tested".  But do we really comprehend that?  Ultimatly the goal is to become like Christ.  We have so many great examples. Some of whom are, Christ himself, Moses, Abraham, Nephi, Moroni, and the list goes on.  But how can we expect to sit with these men one day if our life was a "cake walk"?  The trials of these men  made them who they are.  They struggled, they fought, they cried, they CHOSE to keep going, to get back up on the horse and FOLLOW CHRIST!  IT WAS NO "CAKE WALK" FOR THEM, so why would we have think it would bo so for us?  

I know that God has "customized" our lives.  He hand places the people, the situations ( in my case companions) and areas-SPECIFICALLY for you, for me-in our lives!  He knows what we need to help us grow and to BECOME like Him.  He is going to push us to the limits (that really we place upon ourselves).  He is going to help us stretch, to take the next step in the path TO HIM.  That being said...HE IS NOT GOING TO LEAVE US TO DO IT ON OUR OWN!  If we let him, if we INVITE Him...He will be there with us, every step of the way, and just when we are on the end of our rope, He will pick us up and carry us to the end.  I know these things to be true.  I have felt His hands carrying me, I know He can and will carry you.  I invite you to find Him, rely on Him, and to keep going!  There is a way. He has a divine path, SPECIFICALLY for you.  He loves you, He died for you and He will do anything for you.  En el nombre de Jesucristo, Amen.

See you soon, 
Hermana Fox

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Merry Christmas to all!

 I hope you all have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!  It is going to be a very special day :)

So this week has been full of twists and turns!  I have felt my Savior truly carrying me through my challenges.  I know that he lives, and wants to help everyone one of us.  What a special relationship we can have with our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ!  I will always be indebted to them!

So we have started teaching a family.  They have a boy of 11 years.  We were talking about prayer and he started to share an experience of when he was scared of the thunderstorm, but then he prayed and felt peace.  THIS IS A BOY WHO HAS NEVER GONE TO CHURCH AND SOME MEMBERS OF HIS FAMILY DON'T EVEN KNOW IF GOD EXISTS!  He testified that God lives and loves him.  It was so special.  In a later lesson we gave him a Book of Mormon and he starting reading it right then and asking questions.  "I am going to read it all!" He exclaimed!  What a spiritual boy that was placed in our path!  

So on Saturday...we were contacting and we both had an impression to knock on the last house of the street.  Well, that was when we were at the first house.  Not listening to the prompting, we knocked on almost every house facing rejection after rejection.  When we knocked on this last house, we offered service, (which no one in all of mission has accepted) she said, well actually I'm decorating my Christmas tree and I would LOVE help! YIPEE!!!  After decorating and sharing a message, we sang "Oh Come all ye Faithful".  She teared up and said that was the best gift anyone could have given her!  That was the best part of my birthday!  :)  Seeing the spirit work in the hearts of others!

Thank you all so much for the birthday wishes and I wish you all the best Christmas! 

See you soon,

Hermana Fox

This is at the Christmas devotional with President and Hermana LaPiere! It was full of games, food, and the spirit of Christmas!  It was the best! :)  (I won the bowling competion...WOOT WOOT!) Oh and President dressed as Santa Clause and I about died!  Oh how I love President and Sister LaPiere!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

12/14/15 It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

The picture is of us today when we explored the Jungle with the Elders .  We had a good time!

 Hello to all!

Well, actually its not the Christmas that I am used to...but the Christmas Spirit is here!  What a special time of year we have to reflect on our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ!  :)

This week we had the opportunity to message with a family from the branch.  Each one of us told what the Atonement means to us personally.  It was such a powerful experience and the spirit was so very strong.  So I invite you to reflect...what does the Atonement mean to you?  How have you applied it?  How are you allowing it to CHANGE you?
I am so grateful for this time I have to serve my Heavenly Father.  He is teaching me so many things, in such a condensed amount of time.  The mission truly is a special place.  Nobody can really understand it until they are actually here.  It is unexplainable, but because of that it is impossibly rewarding.  It is the greatest work in the earth, and it will go on!  :)  
Yes, I am using my piano skills.  I play prelude and all the hymns I know.  If I don't know it, then we sing acapella.  We have been able to serve more lately, mostly less actives and members.  
I love you all.  Thanks for your love and support.  I miss you and I will see you soon.  Merry Christmas!
Hermana Starlee Fox

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

‏‏ 12/7/2015 Primera semana en Diciembre :)

pic. 1.  So this is a picture of the 3 front eras...on my right is Paraguay, on my left is Brazil, and I'm in Argentina!  It was so fun to see, sorry  the picture isn't that great... :)

pic. 2.  This is the inside of our studio apartment.  It is all one room except for the bathroom.
Hello to all,

I hope you are all having a great Christmas season!  I love you and I'm so grateful for you!

I am so grateful for this time of year and the time we have to think more about Christ.  God is so loving to send us His son.  I am so grateful for a loving Father in Heaven, who would give us such a wonderful gift.  I don't know what I would do without my Savior.  The atonement is real. It has healing powers.

Life is hard, but God is good, and it keeps moving on.  I know that God answers prayers, and He has ALL power.  As His children, we can call upon it. But it is up to us and our faith.  The work has been quite discouraging this week, so I don't have much to report on.
I wore my Christmas scarf on Sunday that you sent, Mom.  Thanks, it was really cute.
You asked about the dress in my picture last week.  It was made by Hermana So.  She is so great!  She is married and has 3 children.  Her whole family is active which is so special and unique here!  She told us she would make us dresses for $4.00 if we bought the fabric.  She is actually going to make me another one.   We usually have family night with her family and other less actives.  She is a great example.

See you soon,
Hermana Fox